In 2017, following a year of strategic planning and a subsequent, thorough master planning process, FRA’s historic campaign, A Unique Moment in Time, the capital campaign for Franklin Road Academy launched.

The School was offered a five-million-dollar cornerstone matching gift and given two years to meet the match. Because of the extreme generosity of this donor, the FRA Board of Trustees and our community were encouraged and inspired to move forward with a comprehensive capital campaign that has had a transformational impact on our campus and more importantly, our student experience. The cornerstone gift was matched in just five short months and today, the capital campaign has exceeded twenty-six million dollars.

The overall goal of the capital campaign was to ensure that the architecture of FRA’s campus both honors the school’s unique mission, purpose, and vision and that all of our spaces reflect the exceptional academic experience we provide and the extraordinary interactions that take place between our students and our faculty.





As of February 9, 2022










"We have to continue to remember how to innovate for the sake of how we serve our kids well. These spaces allow us to deliver on our mission better for our families and our kids...it's just been remarkable to see people across all of our constituent groups reach back and say 'hey, we want to make a difference.'"
Head of School
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"I was sitting in the Weicker Center this morning having breakfast with Riley and Pax and found myself completely surrounded by kids and parents eating breakfast together and it struck me that there was nothing at all on the schedule that brought people here. It wasn’t an organized event. It was just kids — wanting to share their school with their parents. I think that speaks not only to the kids' love and ownership of their school, but also to the power of “place” in the building of community. That facility has already played a big role in that community, and I know it will continue to grow."

Current Parent and FRA Supporter