See below for answers to our most frequently asked questions. If you have additional questions or want more information about the A Unique Moment in Time Capital Campaign, click here.
What is the A Unique Moment in Time campaign?
A Unique Moment in Time, the capital campaign for Franklin Road Academy, is a comprehensive campaign that includes funds raised toward renovations, ground-up construction projects, and endowment. The campaign also encourages donors to make a five-year commitment to the annual fund, which supports the day to day operations of the school. The details of FRA’s objectives can be reviewed in the Campaign Priorities section of the website.
Is our Annual Fund support included in the giving and recognition levels for the campaign?
Yes. Since it is a combined comprehensive campaign, giving toward annual fund, capital, or endowment will all be counted toward your cumulative commitment for the campaign if a multi-year commitment is made for both.
Can I make a commitment to the campaign on one form to include annual fund as well as capital or endowment?
Yes. There is a letter of intent that formalizes your pledge to the capital campaign. On that form, you may indicate your pledge amount and schedule of support for the annual fund, capital, and/or endowment for up to five years. The development office will send you reminders per your indicated schedule. This eliminates the need to fill out any further gift or pledge forms during your pledge term.
What is the timing of the campaign?
The campaign is a five-year campaign. The campaign began in 2017 and will conclude in conjunction with FRA’s 50th anniversary in 2022. The Scarlett Family Chapel renovation was complete in May 2018, the Weicker Center construction was complete in August 2019, and the athletic center opened in June 2020.
How will our giving to this campaign be prioritized?
Giving to FRA’s Annual Fund is a major priority, and we ask that all families participate in giving to the annual fund each year first at their current annual fund giving levels. It is requested that any funds directed toward capital or endowment be given “above and beyond” current levels of annual fund support. Within Campaign Priorities, donors may choose to support a specific capital project or may restrict their support to endowment.
Can gifts or installments be fulfilled through gifts of appreciated securities?
Transferring appreciated securities to FRA can have significant tax advantages. You should consult with your tax advisor to learn more about these specific opportunities.
Can pledges be made over a period of time?
Yes. Pledges can be fulfilled over a time period of up to five years from the beginning of the pledge.
Can gifts be made anonymously?
Yes. Careful provision will be made for honoring the wishes of anyone who may desire to contribute to the School and remain anonymous. Naming opportunities are available for leadership gifts to the capital campaign. Sometimes a donor chooses to remain anonymous for a specified period of time while reserving a naming opportunity for a date in the future. These “future” naming arrangements can be made with the Director of the Capital Campaign to reserve that opportunity.
Can we adjust our pledge schedule if needed?
Absolutely. You can make changes to the installment schedule if needed by contacting FRA’s Advancement Services Manager.